Well, I just started this
tape trading thing at the beginning of the millenium, so I may
still not have everything set with how to do trading. But I've
done enough to know the basics. This is a page designed to
showcase my collection of taped shows, cartoons, etc. I don't
have very much to offer now, but my collection will hopefully
grow as I trade more.

My Tape Trading
- I do not
trade for money, blank tapes, merchandise, or anything
else other than taped shows.
- I trade 30 minutes for 30 minutes (1 hour for 1 hour, etc.). I will not make "uneven" trades unless there is a good reason to.
- If we've never traded before, I would need to get your tape first before mine is sent out.
- I trade in order of when I receive them, no matter the amount.
- Most of my shows are in good quality. Let me know if any of your shows have bad quality.

People I've Traded With
This is basically a list of people who I have traded with. Thanks to all of them.

Trades In Progress
This is list of people I am currently in trades with.

Feel like making a trade? Just drop me a line by clicking here.